The Innovative Materials and Pavements Group


Leila Sadeghi

  Purdue University, 2012 to 2017
Ph.D. Purdue University,US
M.Sc. Shiraz University, Iran
B.Sc. Shiraz University, Iran

Dissertation Title:

Pavement Performance Evaluation and Predictive Models

Journal and Conference Papers and Presentations:

  • Sadeghi, L., R. McDaniel, & J. E. Haddock. (2017). Pairwise Comparison of Warranted and Non-Warranted Asphalt Pavements in Indiana (Presented in Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting). Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C.

  • McDaniel, R., L Sadeghi & J. E. Haddock. (2017). Running Back Guarantee (Roads and Bridges Magazine).

  • Sadeghi, L., & J. E. Haddock. (2016). Predictive Modeling of Pothole Formation Due to Traffic and Environment (ASCE T&DI International Conference on Transportation and Development). Houston, TX.

  • Sadeghi, L., R. McDaniel, & J. E. Haddock. (2016). Effectiveness of Warranted Asphalt Pavements in Indiana (Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2573, pp 60-68). Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C. DOI 10.3141/2573-09.

  • Sadeghi, L., & J. E. Haddock. (2016). Pothole Predictive Models Using Traffic and Weather Condition Data, Association of Asphalt Pavement Technologists (AAPT) Student Poster Session, Annual Meeting Program, Indianapolis, IN.

  • Sadeghi, L., R. McDaniel, & J. E. Haddock. (2016). Performance of Warranted Asphalt Pavements in Indiana, Purdue Road School, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
  • Jahanandish, M., & L. Sadeghi. (2010). Different Definitions of Safety Factors and Their Effects on Determination of Foundation’s Bearing Capacity (5th Conference on Civil Engineering). Iran.

  • Ajdari, M., M. Nahangi, & L. Sadeghi. (2008). Prediction of Shear Stress of Unsaturated Soils in Plane Strain Condition with Neural Network (Sharif Journal of Science and Technology, pp 77-84). Iran.

  • Technical Report:

  • Sadeghi, L., McDaniel, R. S., & Haddock, J. E. (2016). Performance of warranted asphalt pavements: Smoothness and performance of Indiana warranted asphalt pavements (Joint Transportation Research Program Publication No. FHWA/IN/JTRP-2016/16). West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University. Download Link

  • Sadeghi, L., Zhang, Y., Balmos, A., Krogmeier, J. V., & Haddock, J. E. (2016). Algorithm and software for proactive pothole repair (Joint Transportation Research Program Publication No. FHWA/IN/JTRP-2016/14). West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University. Download Link

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